Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rising Star

Well, it happened.  The pivotal moment when you know that you are, in fact, an adult. 

You would think the realization occurs when you buy a house, get married or have a kid.  But it doesn't.  The only thing that really does it... busting up the neighborhood high school girl's party at 12:45am on a Saturday night.

Willis told me all about it this morning, and I'm still dying over it.  Why do I find this so funny!?  Oh, because I used to be that girl (sorry again, Mimi and Pops).  And I guarantee she is shittinginherpants as we speak, totally thinking that we are going to tell her parents (we aren't).  The even FUNNIER part about all of this is that Party Girl's mother told me all about how her daughter was a "Rising Star" at the local high school, how responsible she is, and how I should get her to babysit Logan.  A few days after that conversation, Willis saw her sneaking out of her house.  h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s.  Oh, high school.  Those were the days.

Here's how it all went down.

Willis had Nathan over last night to watch "the fight" (Manny Pacquiao against Marquez*), and I guess the game didn't end until well after midnight.  Willis said after Nathan left he was watching TV, and started hearing yelling, banging and music outside.  A hullabaloo, if you will.  A brouhaha.

He walked across the street to a less-than-half-open garage, a game of beer pong, and loud music**.


[Party Girl slides underneath the garage door in .4 seconds, "like a ninja!" (Willis's words)]

Willis:  "You have two options.  Either turn down the music and close the garage door and I don't call the cops, or don't turn down the music and keep the garage door open and I DO call the cops."

Party Girl, shitting in her pants:  "No problem, we'll turn the music off."

Drunk high school punk inside garage:  "Who the hell was THAT guy?!"

Wills:  "I'm the guy that owns the house across the street.  And I'm still standing on the other side of this door, tough guy."

Oh, Willis.  You crack me up.

I was half expecting our house to be toilet papered and/or our cars to be egged, but alas, all seems to be quiet in suburbia this morning.  And I bet someone ::cough cough, Party Girl:: has a wicked hangover. 
Have fun stormin the castle, you Rising Star! 
xoxo, Willis and Austin Ali

*ew, boxing
**If I didn't have a kid I would have totally showed those punks who's boss at BP.

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