Sunday, March 13, 2011


What the hell happened to the last 2 weeks?!  I really had better intentions for Austin Ali. 

Here are a few snippets of the past two weeks.

Willis and I were able to go on 2 "dates" last week when Mimi was here (Mimi for President!) and as we were on our way to Date #2, it occurred to me that the only I thing I had to tell Willis about was the fact that I found Size 1 diapers with the pee indicator line on Amazon. 
Then I had 2 drinks and got hammered, according to my BREAST milk alcohol indicator test strips.  So, I PUMPED AND DUMPED as they say, while having another glass of wine.

Logan Bear's favorite new activity and facial expression.

In case you were wondering, here are a few examples of the conversations that go on in our house these days:

Me:  "Why do people DO this?  People who have more than one kid are demented."
Willis:  "Well once you are stuck with one, you might as well just keep it going, I guess?"

Willis [talking to Logan in a baby voice, while he's crying. AGAIN.]:  "Logan, can you BELIEVE that mommy was dying to have a baby?" 
Me:  "BULLSHIT!  YOU were the one who said that you weren't getting any younger!  This is your fault!" 

Me:  "This has to get better, otherwise people would just leave their kids places all the time."
Willis:  "You can't do that -- it's illegal."
Me:  "No you can legally just leave them at fire stations I think and they can't do anything to you."
Willis:  "Imagine if Logan can really understand English, and now every time we pass by a fire station he gets nervous?"


In the here's-why-babies-must-be-worth-it camp, he's started to smile!  He has also started losing his hair, except for a big patch in the back (I think it looks like Donald Trump).  I make mohawks out of it while he's BREAST feeding. 

I tried to get his smile in a picture today, but this is all I got -- the half smile / knuckle sandwich pose:

I just realized  he's wearing the same shirt as above.
I swear we change his clothes every once in a while.

I can count on one hand the number of times I've left my house since February 1st, and a Big Trip to Target happened to make the list.  That is were I found my future bathing suits:

Time for sleep!

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