Friday, January 6, 2012


Let's set the stage.

I step out of the [totally scorching hot and amazing] bubble bath a few minutes ago to talk to Willis about my new plan.  I'm in a towel, he's in the big chair in the front room watching golf.

me:  "Let's just sell out.  Fuck all of this.  Fuck the norm, fuck what we are supposed to do... let's just leave.  Let's go live in the mountains in a little cabin where there is no internet, no phone, no nothing.  A log cabin."

Willis:  "That sounds great.  But let's go THERE [points to TV].  It's this awesome golf course in Maui.  I could totally sell out and go there."

me:  "no Willis.  When you sell out you have to like go to a log cabin or something.  You like give it all up.  Let's go to a cabin.  In the middle of the woods, and just leave.  I'll home school Logan, and life will be great."

Willis:  "Ehhh..."

me:  "what do mean, 'ehhh'? You don't want to go?"

Willis:  "no, I want to go.  [pause]  I guess I could help with Logie's math portion of the homeschooling when I got home?"

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