Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another battle

So, there have been attempted break-ins in our 'hood.  Like, several.  And I'm kind of surprised by it.  I'm not saying that we live in the most expensive neighborhood in Austin, but we certainly don't live in the ghetto.  So Mama's scared.

So, I decided that I was going to take measures into my own hands.

omg how ghetto is our back door?  the previous owners gave us
$ to replace it in the P&S at closing, but we decided
to spend it on something else.
But I'm not sure what.  
Pops said that my note should be less polite, but I explained to him that I was being sarcastic with the "thanks."  But then he said that burglars can't understand sarcasm.

I DO know that they haven't been prowling lately, because someone who shall remain nameless [::cough cough WILLIS cough cough::] left the ipad outside like all night the other night, and it was still there.
Anyway, Happy Monday!  WAAAH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH suckkkaaaaahs!

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