Monday, April 9, 2012


Oh hello!  Did you miss me?  I totally missed you guys.  (I kind of forgot my login for a while, then I went out of town (TWICE!) but now I'm back.  Can we make up and get back together?  I love you and I always will.)

Here's what's been going on.

Mama went away on a girls' trip (Logie and Willis had maj boy bonding time!!), and then while Willis was away in Cali last week  (with his other family), Logie and I visited Mimi and Pops in Florida.  Oh, how were the flights, you ask? I'll tell you since you asked so nicely.

First and foremost, Logie would like to send a personal apology to the elderly Indian couple seated next to us on the way there for [repeatedly] spraying them with milk from his sippy.  It's a new trick he's learned... load up the straw with milk between the teeth, then flick it out to spray everywhere.  He has amazing aim.  He also learned a new trick we'll call The 360.  Here's how you do it:  roll around on your mom's lap over and over and over and over and over instead of sleeping, all while crying.  He is such a good multitasker!  It was so awesome.  Oh and last but certainly not least, I'd like to give a big UP YOURS to the pilot for barreling over the loudspeaker the second Logie FINALLY fell asleep.  To tell us nothing.

I'd also like to give a big (for real, genuine, like not even sarcastic) thanks to the cheapskates on the flight home for not ponying up the extra $30 for extra legroom... cause that meant Logie and I got our own, huge, penthouse row ALL TO OURSELVES!  We were basically doing jumping jacks and snow angles on the floor the whole ride home, just because we could.

I'm gonna spread all my shit out everywhere just because I can.
Here Rocky, you can even have your OWN SEAT.
And just in case you need a dose of major cuteness in your day...

come ON Mom, I'm losing major cred here in this getup.
Can we at least lose the pansy hat?

OH... One more thing!!!!


*just kidding.  

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