Thursday, September 23, 2010

240 Minutes to Go.....

You are probably wondering why I am up so early.  Today we find out if little Millie is really a Milton!  I am like a kid on Christmas!  I thought about making a paper chain to countdown the minutes until 1pm (and even had to confirm with Willis that there were indeed 240 minutes in 4 hours ... math has never been my strong suit), but he informed me that it would probably take me longer than 240 minutes to make all of the little paper parts, so I decided against it. 

I am up so early that I woke Willis up before he had to get up for work to ask him if he wanted bacon.  He did, but then I realized that we were out of eggs, and you can't have bacon without eggs, so no bacon for Willis.  I guess a housewife is supposed to ensure that grocery staples like eggs are in the house, but I'm still in training.  We were going to go to the diner down the street, but no time before his morning meeting.  I mean, someone's gotta bring home the bacon (PUN INTENDED)! 

This gender business has been a long road.  When we first found out the great news about Millie, I couldn't IMAGINE not finding out what we were having.  (How can you properly bond with a baby that is an "it" for 10 months??  and yes people, it's 10.)  But then my feelings changed when I took my last work trip to Boston and talked to a few people who had gone the unconventional route.  (There are so few surprises left in life!!!!  It helps you get through labor!)  And, since I'm generally just influenced by the last people I talk to about things, I decided we weren't going to find out after all.  (Below is little Millie as we know her today, still an "it" ...but still calling her a she since I know that is what she is.)

Willis went along with this for a while (after all, I am the one who had an alien invade her body, not him), until he fessed up that he really didn't want to be surprised in the delivery room.  His sister, Heather, told me about someone she knew who had the doctor write it out on a card, and then the people opened it later at a party.  A good compromise, I thought.

Being the good husband that he is, Willis is taking me to a nice resort for my birthday next month.  (Coincidentally, my spa package also comes with golf for him, but I'm sure he didn't realize that.)  He thought it would be a nice idea for me to open it at dinner for my birthday, and even coordinated it with the hotel person he's been dealing with.  A done deal.

That is until we were at PF Chang's last Thursday, and I decided that there was NO WAY NO HOW I COULD POSSIBLY WAIT UNTIL THE WEEKEND OF OCTOBER 10TH.  It seemed like torture.  So, here we are today.

All signs are pointing to girl. 

- I was really sick for the first 3ish months, and I just know that no sweet boy would do this to his mother.

- The Chinese gender calendar said GIRL

- IntelliGender, the trusty new pee test from from the drug store, also said GIRL.   

Which means, I am sure, that it's a Milton!!!

Stay tuned! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the post!! Can't wait to read more...and eat a bag of organic, locally grown spinach while you're at it. Keeps you thin and people from being rude. Love ya!
