Friday, September 24, 2010

Hold the door!

I'm getting ready to GO SHOPPING for the little one (name undecided), but thought I would share a brief story from yesterday afternoon.

I'll cut right to the chase with the moral of the story:  If there is an obviously prego lady behind you / about to walk through the same door, it's common courtesy to NOT LET THE DOOR SLAM SHUT IN HER FACE (or big belly since that's what is first these days).

I was getting the mail outside of my building, right next to some guy (we'll call him Yankees Hat since that is what he was wearing.  He wasn't only wearing a Yankees Hat though - he had on other clothing too).  I was following him into the building, then - WHAM!  He lets the door almost shut behind him, right where I am walking.  He knew I was there.

I was steaming mad, trying with all of my might not to say something to him.  "Don't say anything Ali, let it go, let it go, don't say anything...."   

Here is the conversation once we were in the elevator:

Me:  "You from New York?"
Yankees Hat:  "Yeah, born and raised."
Me:  "Well I guess in New York they don't teach you to hold open doors for pregnant ladies."
Yankees Hat:  [stares at floor in silence pretending like he has all of a sudden lost his sense of hearing]


1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAH! Obviously a Yankee because Texans dont do that - they just run you off the road in their large pick up trucks, but they usually say excuse me.
