Sunday, September 26, 2010

Honey, where's the ____?

Willis might disagree, but generally speaking, I don't get annoyed by "guy habits" (not putting things away, leaving wadded up wet towels on the closet shelf on my only pair of maternity shorts, etc.).  This is probably because I have the same habits, too.

But there is one thing I will never understand about guys. 

How is it possible for them not to see things that are sitting right in front of them?  Willis is good at many things, but he is not a good finder.  I will give you two examples of instances that happened in the last month.

Me:  "Honey, one of the cats puked on the rug again.  Can you grab the cleaner spray under the sink?"
Willis [looks for 1.2 seconds]:  "It's not here." (I think insinuating I have moved it, but that's for another day.)
Me [looking under sink]:  "It's right here, behind the duster thing."
Willis:  "Well I'm not going to rearrange everything to find it."

I see.

Last night we were getting ready to go out to dinner, and Willis tells me that he has been unable to find the new brown shirt I bought I him.

Me:  "That's because I hung it up in the closet."
Willis:  "I looked there."
Me:  "It's right here."
Willis:  "Well I didn't think to look that far left."

POP QUIZ:  Can you find the brown shirt in the closet? 


  1. Maybe Willis is color blind?

  2. No he gets no credit and frankly if this isn't a "man" thing then it's genetic as his brother shares the very same diminished ability to see what is there. Alternatively he also has the inability to look for something before he asks me where it is. Him: "Where are the scissors?" Me: "Are they in the draw by the phone where we keep them?" Him: "I don't know, I'll go check." REALLY? You don't check first?
