Friday, May 27, 2011


Yesterday as Willis and I were driving home from dinner, I said to him [cheesy alert!] "there is nothing more precious to me than that little baby."  [long pause]  "Oh, and you of course."  Then Willis said, "it's ok -- I know if you had to only choose one of us you'd pick him, because if I had to do the same, Logan would win."

Well, at least we know where we both stand! 

Here are two pictures from this whole baby experience that I think are just HILARIOUS:

(#1:)  I don't remember this photo being taken.  But there I am, post surgery, waving away as they wheeled me to my room.  I was on morphine for the first few days of Logie's life and hardly remember a thing because of this whole medicine-wearing-off-in-the-middle-of-the-csection-and-having-to-GO-UNDER-incident.  I think this picture is just so funny. 

look at that little hand.

(#2.)  This is when Logie Bear was at his extreme fussy stage (when Willis and I both openly admitted that we weren't sure about this whole having a baby gig).  It just sums up our lives so perfectly.  There's Daisy, looking crazy as always, Logie Bear wailing away (per his usual self at that time in his little life), and Willis just smiling away through it all in his Miami Vice Big Chair.

mi familia.
Anxiously awaiting a response to another house offer......................

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