Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear Logie,

The day life forever changed.
Tomorrow you will be 6 months old.  Everyone always says this, but I really have no idea where the time has gone and I am in utter disbelief at how fast life is moving.  It makes me sad.  

I knew that when we took you to the doctor for your 6 month checkup that she was going to make me start feeding you solid foods, but I wasn't quite ready so I delayed your appointment until Thursday.  As if those 4 days will keep you more of a baby longer.

Don't worry, you'll get that sweet potato soon.

Here's a little bit about you. 

-You love meeting new people. 
-You'll let anyone hold you. 
-You make the funniest faces, and have a semi-surprised expression much of the time.
-You are very go-with-the-flow (you get that from your father).

-You get very cranky if someone wakes you from your nap (you get that from me).
-You love screeching and shrieking and hearing your own voice (you get that from me). 
-You think your daddy is soooooo funny (that won't last).

I love being your mom, Logie.

-Your favorite songs are Alouette, Wheels on the Bus, and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.  Considering I don't know very many, your choices are limited so I believe these are your favorites by default.
-You will still let me rock and cuddle you in your glider chair, and even though you get a little squirmy, you still humor your mama. 

-You now sleep TWELVE HOURS a night, and wake up smiling and cooing in your crib (even though your diaper weighs roughly 48 pounds).
-Your BFFs are Mr. Monkey, Elmo, and Little Willis, in that order.  You also loved Scout before his batteries died. 
-Though you tried all 10 -- thumbs included (OBV) -- I believe the two front fingers on your right hand have won out for finger sucking.  They have even defeated the paci. 

I wouldn't trade the last 181 days for anything in the world.  You have made each and every tear/diaper change/worry/poop explosion/spit up soaked shirt/load of laundry/sleepless night/dollar/stretch mark/moment of self doubt/pediatrician's office visits out of pure paranoia/early morning... WORTH IT

Willis and I love being your parents, Logie Bear.

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