Friday, August 19, 2011

debbie d

Aside from the obvious places (mortuaries, funeral homes, etc.), there are few locations on this earth that I find incredibly depressing. 

5.  Radio Shack.  Have you ever been in one that isn't grim? 
4.  Office Max.  I don't know -- this one just gets me every time.  Is it the lighting?
3.  Movie theatres*.  It's not like I don't appreciate a good movie every now and again, and as much as I find sitting in a dark room surrounded by strangers while staring at a wall for 2 hours fun, I always think of other things I c/s/would be doing.  Like sleeping.  I feel like it's a place you go if you have nothing else going on.  No other options.
2.  Blockbuster. (see the latter half of #3)

and the most depressing place of all time, imho...

1. THE FOOD COURT AT THE MALL.  (see the latter half of #3)  I mean really... is there any place more depressing than this place?  I want to know if there is.  Tell me...

...except... I changed the settings so it's a lot harder to make a "comment" now on Austin Ali... 'cause some weirdo went and ruined it for everyone.  Anonymous, you know who you are... you douche canoe!  Why don't you go and hang out at the mall food court some more.  You sort of give me the WILLIES. 

*Willis will disagree wholeheartedly with me on this one.

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