Monday, August 22, 2011

Wood Glue

DISCLAIMER:  For those of you who would rather not read intricate details about my kid's latest #2 diaper [Liz O and Kari C], check back tomorrow.

For the rest of you still here [hi Roomie!  hi Liz V!  hi Cath!  hi Lise!], we just had a POOP SITUATION in the Austin Ali house. 

I think it's best if I don't try to recreate the wheel all over, so I'll just share with you the Skype conversation that just occurred between Willis and me.  Please note Logie's been workin on this one for a few days now. 

[1:48:59 PM] Willis:  WHAT!
[1:49:08 PM] Willis:  Did you take a picture?
[1:50:17 PM] Austin Ali:  NO!
[1:50:19 PM] Austin Ali:  i know
[1:50:22 PM] Austin Ali:  it wasn't like a turd
[1:50:38 PM] Willis:  just lumpy?
[1:50:43 PM] Austin Ali:  it was more like the consistency of wood glue that was kind of half dried
[1:50:59 PM] Willis:  wow
[1:51:01 PM] Austin Ali:  no more like melted taffy with specs like you would find in teriyaki marinade
[1:51:09 PM] Willis:  was he really happy to be done with it?
[1:51:18 PM] Austin Ali:  he seemed cool about it
[1:51:26 PM] Willis:  (whew)
[1:51:33 PM] Austin Ali:  it like stuck to his back for like an inch
[1:51:37 PM] Austin Ali:  like gum
[1:51:40 PM] Austin Ali:  in a lot of places

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