Saturday, August 20, 2011


I'm certain Willis would disagree, but I G E N E R A L L Y* don't nag him about his golf addiction hobby.  But there are some days where I just don't... get it.  I mean, as much as I find chasing a dented ball around miles of grass in search of a tiny hole that you can't even see 18 different times over the course of an entire day enjoyable, isn't it ever just too hot or too early? 

Evidently, it isn't.  For example, here is the weather forecast for today:  "Sunny. Very hot. High 104F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph." 104!?  They might as well have just said, "stay inside."  Don't mind if I do.

And here is a snippet of the conversation that occurred in my house a few hours ago.

me (moaning and hiding under the covers, trying to ignore LogieBear who is cooing in his crib, wide awake and ready to play): "GAH!  I have been up since FOUR AM because Logie was grunting in his sleep AND THEN got up at 5 to eat, and I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!!!"
Willis:  "I'll watch him so you can sleep until I need to leave.  Do you want me to bring you breakfast?**  I'll be back in around 8." 
me [now able to FLY out of bed with this information, shouting out the bedroom door]:  "Eight?  Isn't your tee time at TEN FIFTEEN???  HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET THERE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Willis:  "It is up by Ikea, PLUS another 5 minutes!  It will take a while."
Willis:  "Fine!  Eight fifteen!"


1. In most cases; usually.
2. In general terms; without regard to particulars or exceptions
**yes I am aware I am a complete brat.  thanks. 
***yes I am also aware you refer to a golf "game" as a ROUND, as Willis always points out.

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