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Logan gave a little wave today at his ultrasound. "HEEEEEY" |
I'm running out of steam, and quick! Just a quick pop-in to say hello...
...And to let you know not to get a hot-stone pedicure with extra leg massage when you're 36+ pregs. It can send you sailing into pre-pre term labor, as it did for me on Monday.
I was planning on going to prego yoga with a friend, but it was cancelled (thank God, considering my hands were numb) so we just went to her place to pick out her baby girl's (aka Logan's girlfriend) coming home from the hospital outfit. She is due 2 weeks before me, which to me is like a million years. She is like ADVANCED PREGO.
After the pedi (and getting stuck on the brow waxing table -- story for another time) I went home to take a nap since I had exerted myself so much, then woke up about an hour later with EXTREMELY PAINFUL CONTRACTIONS. I was also sweating like a pig. And stuck on my side.
I remained stuck on my side for a good 15 mins, holding my Bberry in my hand wondering what the hell to do. Roomie happened to text during this and I gibberishly texted something along the lines of "stuck on side painful contracts wondering what to do" and she wrote back "call doc." I was planning on calling the doc as soon as I woke up in that predicament, but I couldn't really breathe enough to even cry, let alone call someone. Well, except I was totally crying.
I managed to call Willis at work about 25 minutes later (who did indeed have his phone turned on, thank you very much). He was home and packing stuff up less than 10 minutes later, as calm as can be. With me still stuck on my side.
Fast forward a few hours to me + another hot johnny gown + an IV with a nice narcotics cocktail. I was hammered in about 2.8 seconds. It was wonderful.
We were back home by 9:30p or so (with some more sleepytime, lala land drugs for Austin Ali in hand) after things calmed down and they determined I wasn't in active labor. And no, once again you sure DON'T want to know how they determined this. The next morning I had a doc appt and she asked, "are you still working?" and when I answered "no" she said, "good. Just rest for you from here on out." I almost chimed in, "but that's all I've done since September" but I didn't. Then she said, "I sure hope that pedi was good, considering it's your last until February."
Anyway, despite Dr.'s orders to rest, Monday's performance sent me into a nesting FRENZY getting everything done that we had put off. So now I am absolutely, 100% exhausted. I couldn't even muster up the energy for a blog post.
Which leads me to the following question: If I am too tired NOW to blog, before the little man is here, is this the end of Austin Ali!? Will it die a slow death, or just END??
Austin Ali simply cannot die. Too many people rely on her. If I feel a slow, painful death coming on I will use Kim Crawford deliveries as bribery.