Had a nice visit with the 'rents, where we discovered that Logan is for sure coming via c-sec... ON FEBRUARY 1ST! So we got to shave a few days off the top... hooray! It's funny, I think these days it's kind of faux pas to be happy about getting a c-sec for whatever reason, but I'm kind of relieved. I know that the recovery is bad, it's not "natural" etc. etc., but can you really imagine me pushing out a huge baby?? You know, sucking it up, "JUST ONE MORE PUSH -- YOU CAN DO IT ALI!!!" ??? I sure can't. And never could. I think Willis might be a bit relieved as well, considering now he doesn't have to be my "labor coach." Thank goodness for my parents, who will be back out for a few weeks after to help.

Want to see the latest pic of Mr. Logan Bear? I'm sure this is super creepy looking for everyone but HIS PARENTS (omg, that's Willis and me -- PARENTSSSSSSSSS OMG), but I'm just dying that his little eyes are open, and he's resting his little hand on his cheek. And look at his little nose! LOGAN!
Yesterday Willis and I were out to lunch and he was talking about how he was dreading going back to work after all of his time off (his company shuts down from before Christmas through New Years, so he has had 12 days off in a row). Then he said, "wait, so this is what life is like for you all the time, huh? I mean I know you are pregnant and making a baby and all, but you can just do whatever the hell you want, whenever you want...? Man that's pretty awesome." Like it had just occurred to him. I mean I AM busy cleaning the house, doing laundry, getting groceries to make dinner and everything, so... wait, no I'm not.
A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend I used to work with who knew that James used to do all of the cooking, most of the grocery shopping, etc. She asked me how it felt to be doing housework-type things now that I wasn't working. And I sort of laughed, paused, and said, "uh, I'm not really sure." "YOU MEAN JAMES STILL DOES ALL OF THE COOKING?!" "Yup." "WELL WHAT DO YOU DO!?" Huh. That's an interesting question. Hmmm..... [tapping foot, looking at ceiling].
I'm not really sure. I mean I DO make a pretty mean bacon and egg breakfast. Speaking of, do you think the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cook their eggs in bacon grease too?
I do know ONE thing I do. And that's FLIP THE F OUT on Willis when his ringer/phone is turned to silent mode. This has been an ongoing tug-of-war in the Austin Ali/Willis household for a few months now. See, I'm terrified that I'm going to go into labor while Willis is with his Other Family (i.e. on the golf course) and I'm not going to be able to get in touch with him. And guess who doesn't want to drive herself to the hospital? This girl. I know that it's a big no-no to have your ringer on while playing golf, but...
Last night after I woke up from my nap I was trying to communicate with Willis via text message/phone call ("what time does Ikea close, Willis?") because he was in the living room and I was in the bedroom, and I couldn't get a hold of him. I came flying out of the bedroom like a wild boar in heat, screaming "IS YOUR RINGER TURNED OFF AGAIN!? WAS IT OFF WHEN YOU WERE GOLFING, WILLIS!!!!?????"
It was.
Oh Willis, dodging bullets left and right. It's almost over, and hopefully some version of your original wife will return again. Until then, hang in there, mer.... AND TURN YOUR RINGER BACK ON.
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Here is a recent picture of Willis, dodging bullets left and right. |
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