Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mama and Papa Kegs...

...are en route to Austin!  This picture was clearly taken several years ago, before Double Chin arrived. 

As I'm sure you recall, Mama Kegs was here about a month ago for a cheer-up-Ali trip, but I haven't seen my dad since my baby shower in Boston (October) so we are excited he is also coming.  See below for a text I received from him when we arrived in Boston in October.  Personally, I think it's pretty impressive that he knows how to text AT HIS AGE (just kidding haha!!!), even if he doesn't know how to text numbers:

"We are in rm EIGHT OH FIVE  XO"
Love it!

In Logan news, as of an ultrasound this morning, the boy is still breech!  LOGAN!  The sonographer said at this point she doesn't see many babies his "age" turn the right way, and I guess his cute little bum is W-E-D-G-E-D in my pelvis.  So, it's looking like a C-Sec for Austin Ali, unless Logan decides to get really ambitious in the next few weeks.  We have another doc appt tomorrow with another ultrasound (stupid diabetes!) with my regular doctor so we shall see what she says.  (Most people get 1-3 ultrasounds throughout their entire pregnancy; Willis and I counted and I will have had 15+ by the time Baby Logan is said and done.  Thank goodness for insurance!)  Poor Logan never gets left alone.

Why do these cashews I'm eating taste like fish? 

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