Thursday, December 2, 2010

Not in the Mood

No no, don't worry, this post isn't about doing the dirty deed or anything.  It is a direct quote of what I said to a lady today who works at one of those kiosks at the mall, who was trying to sell me something.

After spending last night whimpering and in tears because my back hurt so bad, I decided it was time to waddle on down to Brookstone to pick up a chair massager (thanks Tyll for reminding me that I needed one).  When I sent Willis the link telling him I wanted one, his response email to me was this (in about 2.4 seconds): "Sure...get in the car now.  There is a Brookstone at Barton Creek Mall."  See, I don't think he wanted a repeat of last night's shenanigans. 

Anyway, I was making a beeline for Brookstone when one of those vultures (kiosk workers) moved in on me to try and sell me a hair straightener.  Um, ok.  Do I REALLY look like I care about straightening my hair right now?  I got all dressed up in my yoga pants and hoodie to hit the mall and everything, but really - a hair straightener is about #457,768 on my list right now.  Thanks though. 

Mall kiosk vulture [standing in my way so I couldn't get by]:  "Excuse me, ma'am?  Can you I ask you a question about your hair?"

me:  "No, you can't.  I'm not in the mood."


The words just flew out of my mouth before I could even really think about what had just happened.  But, she got the point and just kept on moving. 

And, I now have my back chair massager thing so everyone is the Kilham household is happy... except for the kitties, who are a little spooked. 


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