Thursday, December 16, 2010


Well hello, Cankles!  I'm not sure we've ever met -- but clearly you are sticking around, so it's probably best we settle in and really get to know each other.  I'm Austin Ali.

According to Urban Dictionary, cankles can be defined as follows:  "The area in affected female legs where the calf meets the foot in an abrupt, nontapering terminus; medical cause: adipose tissue surrounding the soleus tendon, probably congenital, worsened by weight gain and improved in appearance only by boots.  From the English "calf" meaning wide portion of the lower leg, and "ankle" meaning slender joint of leg with foot.  Example: If I didn't have cankles, I might be able to wear those Prada loafers with my capri pants."

I used to have such dainty ankles.  In fact, Roomie used to call me Chicken Legs -- which is really nice, Roomie, really nice.  But I'd take that any day over what's going on... down there.

Cankles, I especially love when you sort of fold over my socks after I've had on shoes and socks for 3 minutes.  The other night when I was whining so I could win the seat in Willis's coveted Big Chair*, Willis said, "you should really take those socks off" to which I answered, "I would but I can't reach them."  So, Willis had to take off my sweaty socks.  He then looked kind of shocked and commented on how deep the ridges were where the socks used to be on my Cankles (then went and washed his hands).  As you can see, things are really hot and heavy in the Austin Ali household these days.

*When Willis and I moved in together, I gave him 3 rules.  (1.) Willis is not allowed to sleep with any other girls (or boys).  (2.) Willis is not allowed to drive when he is hammered.  (3.) Willis is not allowed to get a recliner.

Can you believe that out of the 3 rules, the one Willis wanted to break the most was #3?  (Taking a bow that he didn't pursue to break #1 (YET), thank you very much.)  So, when we first moved here and were furniture shopping, Willis wore me down when we were at Ikea.  It's really not a bad piece of furniture, and Willis loves it.  Well, I used to give him a really hard time about sitting on his Miami Vice cream leather recliner, but now that I can't seem to get comfy anywhere, I have my eye on that baby every night, too.  Some nights I will go sit in Logan's room in his baby glider with my laptop, but other times I break down and whine and Willis [reluctantly] gives up his fave seat.  It's just better for everyone that way.  And I don't sit on our couch, because it's the most uncomfortable piece of furniture ever made on this earth.  West Elm, you can kiss my Cankles. 

Well, my Cankles and I are about to go clean the bathrooms and finish Logan's List... which is everything we have to assemble and purchase in the next 50 days... Bye!

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