Just got back a little while ago from a sports bar where Willis and I had dinner and watched a little bit of the Bruins game. And when I say watched a little bit of the Bruins game, I mean I ate and left immediately once I was done because my back started hurting. (Don't worry, Willis stayed, but I still feel bad. But obv not bad enough to stay. He said he likes the walk back from the bar anyway... probably because that is just another 10 minutes of whining he doesn't have to hear...)
I think what I'm starting to realize throughout this whole prego experience is that I'm not exactly what you would call "a trooper." In fact, I would say I'm exactly the opposite. So, a non-trooper. I feel very comfortable betting my life on the fact that nobody has ever said about me, "that Ali, she really is a trooper. She toughs it out."
I don't think I have ever been a "trooper." |
I think going camping with me would be an absolute nightmare. Which reminds me of the last time I actually went camping. In college one summer I was a camp counselor in Connecticut, and my cabin was a group of the youngest campers (go Bandits!) who were crying in the wilderness because they were hungry for their hobo dinners and the counselors couldn't get the fire started (I taught sailing for the love of bejeezus, not outdoor skills! I doubt any of those kids learned how to sail that year, by the way). Full disclosure I was usually the one crying on the phone to my mom because I was so miserable, but that's a story for another time. My poor mom.
Anyway, one of the other counselors from another cabin and I hiked back to get some of those starter logs that you just light on fire (why we didn't take one to begin with is beyond me), and when we were about to head back into the woods the counselor stopped and said to me, "you know, we could just get out of here. Like just leave and never come back. I know some people that live close by where we could stay." And I think I was so miserable that for a split hair of a second I actually considered her thought. OF COURSE we didn't just ditch the poor campers and other counselors in the woods, but it was really tempting.
In case anyone was wondering, I didn't last the summer.
I just lauged out loud at my desk at this post...I'm catching up on several of them right now. Very behind in my Austin Ali reading! At any rate, love the "That Ali, she really sticks it out". I think an illustration of that could be us going to the Best Western (thank you Mr. Kegley) the night our hall got pranked by the Betas. But hey...we did suffer through the 85 degree nights with no air!