I would like to say a special thank you to Tyll for bring this to my attention. |
Are these people for real? I cannot imagine what I do if I walked into someone's house and saw a painted mold of their prego belly (and boobs) on the wall. I saw on an old episode of Kendra (Go Kendra! Go Kendra!) that she was using hers as a centerpiece for Thanksgiving, but at the time I didn't think it was something that was so readily available. And, since she is an ex Playboy model, it didn't seem all that strange. The only thing I can imagine this would be good for is if you were going on a serious diet - you could do a before and after mold and proudly display it in your kitchen as a reminder of how things used to be (are you SURE you need that last cookie?). Oh, and in case you are interested, you can get one of these gems for yourself at
http://www.proudbody.com/ .
In other news, I feel like I am getting a glimpse of what it's like to be 80 years old with the amount of supplements, pills, etc. I am taking (no offense, Mom and Dad.... AHAAHA just kidding). Are you aware you need 1500 mgs of calcium a DAY when you are responsible for growing another human [alien]!?
I highly recommend the passion fruit Tums. Bedtime snack with a twist! |
And in case you weren't convinced about me being 80, here is more proof:
It's too bunchy to wear under your clothes. |
Off for a walk on the trail since it's such a nice day! Last time I attempted this, Baby Evan decided to make my sides feel like they were ripping apart from the rest of my body, and a nice woman stopped to make sure I was ok because she thought I was in labor. [Google Round Ligament Pain for further reading.]
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